Reality and Beliefs

beliefYour beliefs of fear and joy create your physical world, which includes the people, animals, plants, earth, and cosmos. When you feel the love of your being surging through you towards feeling and action, your reality will be filled with synchronicities and magic. Everyone and everything will fall into place like a puzzle, all expertly coordinated and organized to deliver the most precise set of circumstances just for you to relish. When you trust your being, you can trust the world you live in. Worry and doubt will disappear from your daily existence. You’ll find joy in the smallest of things, and that pleasure will lead to more and more joy. Sending energy into the physical realm with love and joy creates harmony in all things physical. Like little happy marbles, each atom of energy born of love will build your world in that expression of love.

Conversely, fear based beliefs breed doubt, worry, illness, and hate. Fear maintains a wall to protect the fragile ego; it wards off perception of stimuli that will contradict its security, and keeps the inner wall fortified with belief after belief in its own image out of that fear. Those same atoms, born of fear, are like fireballs, tortured by their inability to maintain harmony. They fight to fulfill the demands of your belief system, and in doing so create insurmountable problems, painful relationships, and threats to the safety of your body and world. If you believe the world is dangerous, the physical reality created will rise to meet your expectations. If you hate your body with shame and guilt, your cells will live up to that criterion. Every turn will show you lack, angry people, broken relationships and people, and torment. The physical world, created with energy born of fear, will be dangerous, treacherous, and cruel.

You see, now that you know beliefs essentially filter the energy before it hits the light of reality, without belief there would be no world to perceive. Your precious ego and intellect would have no basis to function, let alone exist. Not only would you have no basis for thought, you would not have a body with which to create harmony or disease. We hope you now understand how your beliefs directly affect the thoughts you have, your expectations, your physical body, and your world (and your Universe for that matter). We’ll be with you, every step and fumble of the way, on your journey. Each of you are an expression of our consciousness, and our greatest desire is for you to reconnect with yourself and be the love you really are.

-Psychic Broadband, by Ruth Elan

If you have questions, directed either at myself or spirit, or you would like to request a topic, send me an email.

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