The Power of NO

You come across the beliefs of others that for them it works to believe in the refusal of experience. They term it most usually as the power of the word NO – responding to others, their supposed insults, responding to the negative experience that makes it into your perception. These others are at a stage of development, where this belief is quite necessary. You yourselves were at that stage of development at one time. You did believe that saying NO to what you did NOT want within your life protected you from ill-gotten emotions and feelings, and internalized shame upon the self.

This is quite understandable. This is only a belief and allowing others that space, allowing others their individuality, requires that you give your own self the integrity of your own individuality. That you give yourself the honor and the love of being who you really are.  Who some of you are, at the moment, is a free soul accepting all experience, all emotions, expressing yourself fluidly, and living spontaneously.

In these actions you create for yourself an environment that has little value one way or another, but you create for yourself a state of self-love. It is that love that you find of who you really are that creates that state of security for yourself. Because it has no real purpose in making you secure, it has more to do with your identity and the stable self. Now this is a misnomer, you understand that when we refer to ‘stable’ we are speaking of the fluid and ever-changing self.

But it is in this core idea of who you really are, the stableness of that (individuality) that you find yourself grounded within this body that you present. From this state of love, you allow experience, any experience, because you know that the Universe, that you yourself, are creating an environment where you will benefit from these experiences. In that way, you do not have to refuse experience, nor do you refuse your emotions or your thoughts.

This power of NO, the power of refusal that others speak of, is a belief that they have to keep themselves secure and safe. Some of the others will develop to such a degree that they will lose this belief and you will find them in your future moments accepting their experience, gaining meaning from those experiences, and honoring each and every of their emotions.

Many of you will find yourselves, in your future moments, healing the shame that you carry from times past, from past experiences. But understand that there are those who remain afraid of their emotions and afraid of their experience. To latch on to the belief that they have the power in themselves to say NO, to refuse to be harmed by what they consider to be an objective reality – that this is a great step within their lifetime, this is a great development within their cycle.

We want you to find it in yourself to rejoice in yourself for the developments that you have made, for who you really are, and for the love that you find there. We want you to rejoice in who you are in the moment, in the state of your body as you represent yourself within this reality. We want you to revel in that.

Then you may cherish this state of development within the others that you perceive. Just as you acknowledge and rejoice in the development of a child when they learn to read, we want you to rejoice in the development of others, even those close to you within your intimate knowledge. It is (in) those developments of others that are quite close to you that you find the symbolic representation of your own development. It will not look identical to that which is in your own psyche, but you will see the development and the change from belief to belief and the dropping of fear. When you identify that others have projected to you their own understanding, you are perceiving what you project upon that experience, you project upon that representation.

Now, as you become aware of each and every behavior of others, whether distant or quite intimate, it is within your own individuality and your psyche that you understand that you become aware of each and every representation of the self. It is your own interpretation that will describe such behaviors and statements to you, and how it relates to you.

Now for Ruth, she identified a belief that she believes to have left in the past, the supposed past. But this belief in the power of saying NO is still quite present in her belief system. It does not play a dominant role in each and every thought, but those thoughts are based upon a belief in this false security.

Now each of you come across, during your days, within your present moments, you come across others that quite irk you. Their comments, their ideas, and their beliefs irritate you to some degree. And it is that irritation, that is even that wish, that the other does not have to suffer that relates back to you individually.

Now, we only guide you in the path, we guide you in the direction of where you will find your awareness, where you will find your meaning. We support you in this endeavor, but as always, we describe and express only part of what is available to you. It is in the discovering and the understanding that you will find more of yourself, and in that expansion of what you believe about yourself, you set free the expansion of consciousness.

In this, we delight in every interaction that you have with another, and every moment of thoughtful consideration you have with yourself. Understand that we did not label that thoughtful interaction as negative or positive. It does not matter to us whether you are peacefully meditating or violently considering your worth.

We shall be unnamed at this time. We bid you good day.

Escaping Sadness

Emmanuel:  You find your joy in so many different ways, and each expression of your joy brings with it an expectation of what will be in the next moment. And as you experience your joy in the current moment, it is that expectation that draws you to the next. Indeed, that feeling of joy in that one moment holds within it the joy that is found within the expectation of more, the expectation of an increased sense of who you are. And the one finds itself in that very expectation.

So when you find yourself feeling sad or anticipating some sort of dread based on your fear, we want you to sit back and consider your expectation. The expectation that this moment will change and your curiosity of such will bring about a slight change in your feeling. Because you will at that moment identifying the expectation and your curiosity you will find that it brings forth a feeling of joy. And that joy mixed with your emotions of sadness and dread does change that state of experience.

We are not, in this, telling you to reach forward into a future moment in order to escape the feelings that you find yourself within. For you must find meaning within those feelings, some sort of symbolism, or an awareness about your own belief system, or how you feel about yourself in that moment. The degree of sadness that you feel and the dread that you feel, of the condition that you find yourself in, is in direct proportion to the separation that you feel from your own self.

But it is so, that the expectation of the next moment, the expectation and the curiosity that you have of that next moment, and the joy that is drawn to that, comes from your very core, comes from who you really are. And that is a path, or a connection that you have, to who you really are. You may follow that back into yourself. You may follow that path that you have given yourself in order to escape those feelings of sadness.

We use that word, not in the sense that you use it to deny your own feelings, deny your experience and keep yourself bound within the limits of your fearful beliefs. But we use that word escape as a mode of change. And the word escape has a violent connotation to it. And you must understand that when you find yourself in fear, and debilitated by that fear, you do need something as strong as the word escape. You do need the threat of that language in order bring yourself out of, shock yourself out of, that state of fear.

You’ve done this for yourself. You have gotten yourself to this exact point within your now, and you will use an escape as a catalyst to draw yourself inward and connect to the love that you are. Only then, can you view the feelings that you had, gain meaning from them, and change what you believe about yourself.

We are not referring to looking into the past and analyzing the past. That is not what we are speaking about. These feelings that you have, depressive feelings, and that fact that you draw yourself away from them for a mere moment. This happens in one moment. It happens so quickly. Even in your physical terms that are slowed down to a crawl.

This shift, in what you believe about yourself, happens SO quickly, as to not give you time to reconsider your escape. It is the violent sense of that bit of language that propels you to yourself. For the violence in that word contains energy, and that energy transforms the moment. You are caught up in the energy of the moment. You are caught up with your feelings. And as you draw back from them, your connection with your inner self explodes with love. It appears to be a dichotomy between your depressive feelings and the love of your inner self. But it is, in fact, a path that has been drawn for you to follow. Some of you follow your dream life, some of you follow your intuitions. Others find your way through your experience back to yourself.

But those of you who have CHOSEN the sadness and the depressive feelings and the fear, we are describing the usefulness of the word escape and the energy found within that path. An energy that bares within it a path of transformation. For you who have chosen this set of experiences, chosen these feelings of your own design, you understand the violence held within those terms, the violence held within the sadness.

You understand this. And taking advantage of the place that you are in, accepting it as valid. Acknowledging its strength, acknowledging its purpose – you will find a direct path to your inner self. It’s there for you, resting in your hands, available for you. It is the help you have sought. It is the need that must be met.

So take this word of escape – acknowledge its power. Do not choose to end the very life that you have within the physical realm, as that will not bring you what you wish. But if you use the point of transformation, and you turn your gaze, your intellectual gaze, turn your conscious mind to your inner self, you will find what you wish. All you do is turn your focus, your focus of your consciousness mind, towards the non-physical part of you. That’s what you are searching for. That is WHO you are searching for. It is the non-physical part of your own self. And all you must do is change your focus.

And this is Emmanuel, and we wish, at all times, to deliver you from your suffering, but only in as much as you learn from it.

Emmanuel on Success

We will talk with you a moment regarding your perceptions that opened within your idea of what success could be. As many of you within your realm believe that the house in which you live, the money that you make, from whatever means that have you working hard, the clothes that you buy and you wear so proudly, and what you do for leisure time – you take these ideas and fit them in to what you believe about success.

But many of you have broadened what you believe about success and what you believe about yourselves. And in this your ideas seem to split open at the seams. Your ideas seem to blossom into more that you previously perceived. And instead of envisioning steps and goals for you to achieve, you envision not things or symbols of your success but your visual field is taken up by the notion of an expanding state of consciousness. And although this appears to be quite fuzzy to your perceptions because it does not take shape in abstract terms, it still holds within it the representation of that success.

You are not used to looking at this portion of your reality. You are not used to looking forward into the realm of the novel and the expanding state of consciousness. You have blocked this from your perception for quite some time.

So in this expanding sense of your awareness you view these supposed grey areas and it disturbs you quite well that you cannot delineate one thing from another within those moments even when they are quite close to you in proximity. You have a difficult time with identifying such behaviors, actions, and experience. We are talking abstractly and symbolically.

So understand that this idea, this rendering, is given for a select few who will understand this to the very core. Now there is a time that does light upon your reality where these abstract images and symbols do take shape and you are able to experience such events. But the way or the means to bring this about is to trust your very nature. Trust the self. Trust in the broadened perceptions although they may bring discomfort. The discomfort is an expanding, stretching of previous limits and previous consideration of possibilities.

(chuckles) Yes indeed, the term ‘possibilities’ creates within it a set of limits. Possibilities by the very nature of that definition, is a defined set of experiences that bring about an expectation. Know what when we speak of this new experience, the actions that are laid out in front of you, those actions are highly related to your intuitions. And the reason why these events are so abstractly understood is because {pause} you have little expectation for the failure of such events. And the reason why is because you trust yourself that much more.

So these symbolic events do not represent grand successes in your previously-set out terms. In this, you do not find or expect the failure within these experiences. The events are free to take shape based upon your creative power, of course, but they are set free because of the trust you have for yourself. In your terms, it would be called a predecessor. But within the terms of inner reality, or the un-terms of that realm, one thing never comes before the other as there is not a before, there is only now.

We have not at this time gone into the accepting of all experience and expressing of all emotions. You are accustomed to this. You are learning and developing in these areas, and this experience, this stage you are in, opens to you those symbolically-driven future moments that will appear to you to be quite strange and undefined and abstract, conceptually.

This is also the stretch, the broadening, of your perceptions. This is also you finding more of yourself, of your accepting all of your experiences, and those that are defined as well as those that are undefined.

And this is Emmanuel and we will leave you at this time with a great sense of vagueness.

– Emmanuel of Psychic Broadband by Ruth Elan,


24PEOPLE1-articleLargeGEN: Aging, as you do, is merely a change in your perception. With each moment that you believe passes through your time continuum, you change your perception and progress through a development of understanding and direct knowledge. Your experiences and your interactions affect what you believe about yourself, and those effects change your beliefs and your perceptions.

So, when you notice that your body is growing when you are a child, or aging, whether it is deteriorating or improving as an adult, those changes are symbolic. These changes are a symbolic representation of the change in your perceptions and your movement from focus to focus within this physical reality that you have created in order to understand more of who you are and expand the nature of consciousness.

You have much control over the aging of your body. It is your individual display of your state of consciousness. When you assume your creative power, when you discover who you really are, when you value each and every emotion, you will discover that your body reacts spontaneously to the changes within your psyche. This is the realization of your creative power.

Relish this. Delight in this. For this is the meaning of your existence.

-GEN, Psychic Broadband by Ruth Elan

Sessions with GEN are available. Visit our blog for more information.
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Dream Recollection

GEN: You each have much practice living day to day within your physical realm, waking each morn from your dream life, and those dreams that you have you recall the last moments of those dreams, and you deny their importance. You deny their validity.

You take the experience and you replay that within your conscious mind but you do not recognize the symbolic meaning within those dreams. You find your feeling, when you recall those moments; you can feel the fear that is lying within that experience or the joy that is within that dream.

And in this, you count out your feelings and you deny these feelings because they are attached to what you believe is not real. You move into your physical life-those moments that are attached-one after the other, delving into a three dimensional world, and you deny the help that those experiences and feelings that you have as a result of your dream life. Deny them the light within physical reality.

Understand that your dreams are another part of you. They exist within your whole personality, within your whole self, and those dreams hold for you the answers that you LOOK for within your physical experience.

Those dreams take you on a path-a very simplified but a very highly complex path of experience within the inner realm. The recollections that you have of those dreams hold for you the feelings that will take you spontaneously on a path your dreams and further fulfillment.

If you refuse to deny the feelings and the messages within your dream life, you are denying part of yourself, you are denying the wholeness of yourself. And in this, you will limit your perceptions, and limit your experience to only that in the physical realm.

If you wish to reach beyond that point-reach beyond your perceptions and understand more of your whole self, you must take a look at your dream life and accept your FEELINGS within those dreams, and express those feelings within your PHYSICAL life.

Follow those feelings; for instance, follow the fear that you feel when being attacked within a dream, follow that feeling of fear through your own belief system into your physical experience, and you will find liberation from that. In this way, dreams are a tool that you use in order to change your experience, change your beliefs, and discover who you really ARE.

You are a magnificent being set within the physical realm, living within a physical body and with not. You have just as much access to your dream life-the wholeness of your dreams- than you do your physical experience.

When you broaden your perceptions by expressing your emotion fully, changing your beliefs, and dropping fear, you will find your perceptions allow more of what is actually IN your experience. Your perceptions allow for a deeper, truer understanding of who you are, and they also broaden your perceptions within your dream life. You will recall more and more as you allow yourself this broadening.

Not only will you find your experience in your dream life to be more lucid, but you will-with the effort to change your state of being- find more enlightenment drawn from your dream experiences. What you wake with each morning will surprise you in an assured and knowledgeable fashion.

The feelings that you will receive-that you will create for yourself- are those of KNOWING the assuredness of your own self. When you reach within the supposed caverns of your dream experience, you are not doing so (Pause) in a terrifying uncovering of empty caverns full of ghosts.

You are adventuring into your dream life, into that experience with as much-or even more- curiosity, than you seek within your physical experience. Your dream life-if you refuse to leave your constructs and most of your beliefs at the door of inner vision, will be free of the constructs of time and space, will be free of things like failure and success.

You will find there freedoms that are enjoyed by your multidimensional self. And this fertile ground can be accessed at any time of your day or night. This personality playing field is found whether you are asleep, in a moment of meditation, or with directed behavior searching for out of body experiences or travel.

There are other ways that you can obtain this experience and you have not discovered them yet because of your limitations, your ideas and constructs that you use to interpret your physical reality. But soon these ways will open up. You must discover these for yourself, for your individualities are of utmost importance in these behaviors and these discoveries.

We would not wish to divert you outside of yourself as you have learned. We tell you with our greatest love and joy that you find within your own self, so much more of interest and excitement than you do outside of yourself.

That within yourself, you find great stores of knowledge. You find great channels of experience. You find your connection to all of humanity. You find the expansiveness of your own self, and the flowering of your own psyche. And in this, you find far greater than anything such as neighboring planets and solar systems, black holes and theories that do little to describe the reality of consciousness.

But we will leave you with your solar systems, if that’s what you wish to concentrate on. Each of you in your own moment will find the hearkening of your inner voice, and in such moment, you will have complete and utter knowledge that it is you that SPEAKS to this limited focus of you in physical reality.

You will understand that the you that speaks to the smallest part of you is not separate from you in any way, on any level, or any dimension. And that YOU IS All-That-Is. We urge you to contemplate your multidimensionality, contemplate who you really ARE, and contemplate your feelings and your emotions. And in doing this, you will find much more than you had counted upon; find more than your expectations provide for.

You will find the broadening of your expectations, and in that you will find the truest complexity of that which you call joy. It will never be after that point, that you find Joy to be a single note in ANY realm, for you will have discovered the wells within yourself, and find the fullest expression of that within your physical realm.

We like, very much, the rocking chair that you have found, it supports your body quite nicely and it provides for smoother expression. And we will leave you to the rocking.

-GEN, Psychic Broadband by Ruth Elan

Personal Sessions are available. Visit our blog for more information.
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The Great Wave of Change

VAGO: Ribalto mia con libentia (Bounce with my delight) (Italian & Latin)

You realize that our energy is taking over during a moment of calm and peacefulness, but that that energy was originally sought from your focus. That energy then creeps in to the sense of your physical involvement, and brings to your presence a countenance of a transformed state of who we are when we connect with you, Ruth.

This is not a state of emptiness, nor removal of any such awareness. This is a state of full embodiment of the grounding. As the energy moves in and out of your crown, you find an easier and fuller sense of who we are and that expression. It takes on the essence of WHO we are, as we express ourselves within the physical realm in this moment. We do so in all moments. We do so in ALL of existence. We are the essence that spoke from the grand podium of a throne within another time frame. We are the quiet soul that sits by the river’s edge and expresses the beauty of the joining of a perception with the knowledge of All That Is.

We have our essence apparent in all of existence, and all of that existence, each point, rejoices in the awareness of one focus. One singular understanding ripples through the knowing of all and the light of consciousness is never more what it once was. We see all emotion as a joyous representation of our essence.

We see the great curiosity and your focus in this the ever present moment. We acknowledge this curiosity because it is our own. It is in the understanding of this essence, of this energy, that we send through you, it is this understanding that creates these connections to more of your existence, of your reaches within other selves and other identities that was once incomprehensible. But now this experience has drawn on and finds its reflection in many expressions. Those expressions find their way in the most appropriate fashion that will benefit your own desires and dreams and wishes within what you believe to be your physical life.

We see this physical life of yours as a pinpoint of perception. All moments experienced at once. And the understanding and peace that we feel within that is available to each of you when you see your life in entirety. Each moment within one point of perception that you find that this brings you an awareness, that draws you into yourself, and you feel the fullest measure of that point of perception.

It is through that point that we connect, that we direct our focus towards you in this moment. This transmission, this rendering, you will find changes much of what you perceive about yourself. It is a mark of demarcation. It is the fullest part of you, as of yet, that is expressed your dimensionality. And this has included us and our focus within your experience.

For each of the others, the experience you find within the inner realm is broadening, growing in terms in which we delight. With each expression of yourself within inner reality, you broaden your perceptions of your physical realm, and what you consider to be appropriate to perceive, changes and floods your experience. You understand at once that your physical reality is not this defined and limited set of experiences within time and space, but it IS perception that changes as you change.

Each of you are finding that living spontaneously serves you quite well. It opens up your idea of what is possible. It allows for the free expression of your emotions, and in this you transform your existence. You transform for others what it is to be human. You transform your past and future memories and all of reality changes.

This is the true nature of what is available to you in the ever present moment. This is what is available to you and you will move beyond these current perceptions, and your reality will cease to be defined by levels, dimensions, and language. Some of you are thinking of your belief system as a set of limits imposed by the world in which you live. The culture and the norms that you’ve grown to know as real, and you live without the confines of these beliefs. In this, you have found the ability to drop your fear and your doubt, and you accept yourself as the transformative and malleable experience within this realm.

These individual paths that you take will coalesce at a point of experience that will give you great awareness. And in this awareness you will be free of those limits, free of that experience. Free to live in both the physical realm and non-physical. Some of you will gain the insight, the true knowledge that you exist in all realms. Understanding this, you will assume the creative power of your whole self. And in those terms you will understand that you are limited by nothing.

Your perceptions are free. And you will take that existence and move humanity towards this greater sense of who they REALLY are, each of them, and fulfill your destiny that you have each given to yourself. In this light you shine within your reality, revealing a fluid perception of your reality. You will guide others. You will guide reality. You will guide humanity. And when you release yourself from those bounds, within the physical realm, the new age will have decidedly expressed itself. And in this becoming, in the awakening within the physical realm, a great wave will break and reveal a great new awakening within All That Is. (louder) And what will be available to all of humanity during those times will be unrecognizable in the existence of probabilities in the past.

You are in the time of great joining, a time where humanity will join together finding within their individuality the connections to the One, and the One will push humanity farther into the wave of realization. Understand that as you come together and change your perceptions and what you believe about yourself, that those changes and that microcosm are symbolic of the change that is happening within reality.

We cannot see any other side of the great wave. We cannot perceive those moments as they are changing quite rapidly. They bring new and expanded consciousness to All That Is, and in that realization we are ever curious about each and every awareness. It is on the verge, the foam of a great expansiveness of consciousness, and we wish to guide you and be the impetus of your awarenesses. And we, at this moment, withdraw.

-VAGO, Psychic Broadband by Ruth Elan

Personal Sessions are available. Visit our blog for more information.
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Symbolic Experience

GEN: As you each engage within an experience together, two of you or more connected, you are experiencing similar perceptions. Although your perceptions are quite individual, you are experiencing the experiences that bring you together. We shall give you a visual image of this interaction.

You are yourself, one of you, at a concession stand. You are operating within a circus that is come to town and operating a booth that displays a game with prizes that you may win, should you achieve a certain level. Another of you will walk up in order to play that game, and you interact, the two of you, and create this experience. Quite simply, this interaction between the two of you is set within this environment is a symbol. It is a symbolic gesture of your experience, which is the interaction and communication between the two of you.

This interaction occurs within consciousness. It is the connection with one individual consciousness with another on one or many levels. In order to define that interaction, you create within your physical environment the symbolic experience that defines and organizes such communication between points of consciousness.

You can extrapolate this imagery and understanding, and apply it to any interaction between you and another; in your intimate relationships, or between large groups of consciousness within your world at the level of mass consciousness. In the process of defining and labeling experience, the meanings which are drawn from your experience are interpreted within consciousness. Those perceptions bring the knowledge of increasing expansion.

Consciousness lives and exists within a realm of communication. That interaction is explained in many ways, but it is your physical reality that pushes the boundaries of what is known. This leads to the understanding of the nature of consciousness. Of course, this is a simple concept, but within it lies many other explanations and limitless possibilities.

So, we would like you to understand that when you interact with another, whatever it may be, all of what you perceive is significant. That ALL of what you find, interpret, and understand is of more value than you could possibly understand within your limited scope of perception. You can however, learn the symbolic meaning behind your relationships with others, and in this, broaden your perceptions. You will find more understanding within your dimensional self.

In this, we will leave you more questions than answers. We have designed this to broaden your understanding of yourself and conceptual knowledge of your multidimensional self. We leave with the anticipation of your curiosity.

-GEN, Psychic Broadband by Ruth Elan

Personal Sessions are available. Visit our blog for more information.
Contact me at

Rendered material is available free of charge, but if you are inclined to support my work, donations can be made on PayPal.

Taking Care of Yourself

“Taking care of yourself and your body first and foremost
will lead to all other developments of abundance.
However, to do this, you must trust the nature of who you really are.
You must trust in the spontaneity of your emotions and intuitions.
Trust, believe, and flow.
That which is you is us, and we love you.”
-GEN of Psychic Broadband by Ruth Elan

Taking care

Interaction and Consciousness

GEN: It seems that all you know of yourselves is what you have been told. Whether you’ve been told by your parents or grandparents, by others within your environment, or from your interactions with others. You each ignore much of your experience, much of your environment, and in this denial you lose much of the information that you are indeed telling yourself within your moments. It is not quite descriptive enough to call your environment, that reality that you find yourself in, it is not quite descriptive enough to call it a mirror. There is much more reflection than you pick up in each moment, and there is much more that is available to you outside of that reflection.

There is much that you react to without realizing that you do. Your body not only reacts to your belief system and those ideas and constructs that you hold, but your body reacts to the unavailable or supposed unavailable information within your environment. All of this information is available, but you may receive it upon your individual needs. If each bit of information was available to just ONE of you, then you would have no need whatsoever for any other. Your interactions would be mute.

Your interactions with the others hold within it the potentials of the interactions within the matrix of consciousness. Each of those interactions of yours with each of the others holds within it the possibilities of your own self, the possibilities of the other self, the possibilities of the interaction between your multi-dimensional personalities, and the potentials of every point of interaction along those differing planes, dimensional planes of reality.

Now, this is held upon a premise that you and your physical reality are not the only physical reality in existence, nor is your reality the only descriptive throughout consciousness. Just as your consciousness, your own conscious mind, travels from your dream reality to your physical reality, so does much of the travel within the known bits of consciousness occur in every moment.

Each of those, each of you within that interaction, are far greater in depth and dimensionality than you can conceive. Even those who are in stages of greater awareness of their whole selves, you do not know of all of your limitations nor your limitless possibilities. Those interactions that you have with the other based within the matrix of consciousness, within a non-reality within the inner realm, these interactions play out with the depth of all interaction in the ever present now.

And those of you who are so inclined may perceive in the other. If you leave yourself open for this, if you consider that there is more to your interactions, you may FEEL the possibilities. You may recognize them within your own self. You may get messages, you may get visions, you may get feelings, you may feel assaulted with experience – but if you are so inclined, you can pick up from the other, the other connections, extended experience, and receive the fluid connection of energy through your bodies, through that interaction.

Now, we will talk about this knowing. Because you are aware of your whole selves, the multi-dimensional self that fills you with energy and vitality, your knowing occurs whether you are in the physical realm that you find yourself or within the dream state. If you allow yourself the path, the traveling to different realms. If you allow yourself the out of body experiences and inner visual experience, you may find yourself imbedded within the interactions within the matrix of consciousness. You will find yourself with knowing at certain points of awareness.

Some of you have brought this knowing into your own physical realm. You understand this within your own conscious mind and you have allowed this energy, this knowledge, into your awareness. No matter the condition, or the location of this information and how it is brought to you, you will learn or become aware of points of knowing. This knowledge is not handed to you by another; this knowledge is gained by you. You grasp that knowledge, you take it and claim ownership of that knowledge. That knowledge is bound within your own understanding and not from the giver. It originates as knowledge within your own self as you assume that power. The knowledge that you receive during the interactions with others, this knowledge cannot be given to you because the knowledge does not exist as of yet.

This knowledge is created in the moment, created as you become aware of it, created as you assume the power within the moment. The knowledge that lies out of your understanding may already be acquired by those who surround you in your association within consciousness. These others are attracted to you by mutual vibration, who are brought to you and they bring you the awareness. They bring you the ability to assume this knowledge. They do not give it to you in the sense they hand you this bit of knowledge and expect you to become aware of it. Their interactions with you create this awareness. The interactions create this powerful knowledge that you assume. This knowledge becomes less shared between those during the interaction, but it is a spontaneous awareness of this knowledge within all those who are interacting within this point of light.

This concept of the interactions within inner reality, the interactions between individuals and how knowledge is gained within this realm, will also apply to your physical realm and how knowledge is gained between individuals. And because your physical reality is symbolic for the exchange within inner reality, the exchange within the matrix of consciousness, that light is then projected into your reality and you see the symbolic meaning, the symbolic representation of that interaction.

But in the same way, you gain knowledge – not by a book, not by words, not by teachers, but by your own recognition within yourself assuming the power of that knowledge, having the awareness of that knowledge. THAT is how you obtain knowledge, and THAT is how consciousness expands. It is from that awareness, it is FROM that use of your creative power, and it is from the interactions you have with others.

When you make it into your inner reality from whatever direction and whatever path, when you make it into this reality, you will find your multi-dimensional self. Initially you have many limits, many boundaries around this conception of self. As you open and broaden your perceptions, as you open the channel between inner reality and physical reality, as you listen to your intuitions on the other side, and you express your emotions fluidly and living spontaneously, you will find that your perceptions within inner reality broaden. And in doing so, you have access to more and more knowledge.

Now understand that when we say you have access to that knowledge, we are saying that you have access to the awareness of that knowledge. That with each stage that you move further and further psychic development within inner reality and your multi-dimensional self, that you will obtain knowledge and come to the awareness and use your creative power in this. In doing this, with every step you will expand the knowledge of consciousness.

Consciousness, although it appears to feel and look differently within different realms, consciousness itself is organic, fluid, and ever-expanding. We have explained the concept of the cotton ball, and once we find a new analogy to explain the newness of consciousness, we will give you this, but for now the cotton ball will explain much. It will broaden your perception of what you believe about inner reality, and thereby what you believe about your physical reality. You can look in our other sessions. They are online in our blog that you find the explanation of the cotton ball, and how it describes consciousness. But with each bit of knowledge that is acquired, in any realm, consciousness is changing, constantly configuring and re-configuring, and soon the nature of consciousness will not be contained within that cotton ball.

Understand that all experience and all consciousness is found within the now, and all realities are found within consciousness. At the same TIME that consciousness within the now is changing, re-structuring, expanding. (It is) changing its very nature because of the creative power due to the creative power within all realms.

We want you to assume your creative power. Understand it. Understand the creation of knowledge. Use this power that you find within yourself, and access who you really are. Change your beliefs, think what you like, and follow your bliss. Express your emotions fluidly, look for meaning and awareness in your experience, and look for the symbolic messages throughout your reality. In this exchange between the different parts within your time, within your dream life and inner reality and your time within physical reality, balance the parts of yourself. Accept all of yourself, not only part of yourself, but ALL of yourself. And in this full acceptance, you will find the use of your creative power throughout your whole self. It is not the tool of the intellect to wield around your creative power. That power lies in your WHOLE self.

And we will leave you now with these thoughts and these ideas in your conscious mind. And we end.

-GEN, Psychic Broadband by Ruth Elan

Personal Sessions are available. Visit our blog for more information.
Contact me at

Rendered material is available free of charge, but if you are inclined to support my work, donations can be made on PayPal.

Emotion and Belief

Part of what you know and you believe about yourself, are the parameters that you put around your waking periods, that of your perceived reality. You create these parameters with your beliefs. Your energy is filtered through those beliefs. That is one possible way of describing such an avenue of expression. Your emotions, when they are attempting expression, have to maneuver around supposed beliefs carving a path through, or being diverted in some way. The fluidness then changes its structure. It is not so easily expressed. When it is, it forms the views that you have set down. Gives you the experience of your own creation; represents within your experience and in your intimate environment, that of your own belief system.

Your thoughts are a product of this, as all of your whole self is an integrated working mechanism, organic in its nature. Your thoughts have influence upon your beliefs. Your beliefs have influence upon your thoughts. Now, when you change your beliefs and you let go of your fear and doubt, it is easier, much easier, for your emotions to express themselves in a fluid manner into your environment. They have to do less maneuvering, and fewer and fewer of them are turned inwards to the self, and kept there as prisoners shaming you for your own beliefs.

In this fluid expression of your emotions, the energy finds its way into your environment creating the new state of your beliefs. But you say to yourself and you say to us, how is it then if my whole life as I know it relies upon my belief system, how then can I change my beliefs? How is it so? Where can I find them? Label each one of them please for me, so that I can find them, dislodge them, and crush them.

We suggest that you lovingly acknowledge the beliefs that you have. That you carefully examine each one when you find it, and you will find each of your beliefs within your experience. It will find you with the synchronicity of consciousness. It will find you when you gain the meaning from your experience. When you are adapt at gaining meaning, you will receive awarenesses and those awarenesses are your beliefs. You will understand that your meaning has a direct effect on your own conception of self. Your conception of self is the state of your beliefs.

You will then carefully and gingerly take a belief and set it free. Dislodge it from your system. Make a decision, a very simple and earnest decision that the belief does not serve you any longer. You don’t need it. You would be better off without it. Set it free and you will not think of it any longer. It will not be part of your reality. You will not analyze it any farther with your intellectual mind. You will not have thoughts about it and hang onto it. You will not reaffirm it in any way. You will move onto your experience and the next and the next, and you will take those spontaneous messages from your inner self in relation to your experience. You will follow the synchronicities, as they are the light within your path showing you the way to enlightenment, awakening, and true transformation. With each belief, you will find it within your experience. And that belief will change, only when you make the simple and loving decision to set it free, that it no longer serves you.

Once you have accomplished this and you have let go of much of the fear and doubt, and you have realized not limited by all of those beliefs that you have set free, you have realized the validity in your own being and the love of your own consciousness. At this step that you find yourself, you will be ready for more. At this point, knowledge and understanding will come to you. Your connections to inner reality and your higher self will come to you. You will feel a fuller sense of yourself, and in that fuller sense you will have the knowledge of more of yourself, the connection you have with your multidimensional self.

This does not happen within 48 hours. This happens on your own individual scale of time and space. It happens with your individuality and your expression of that individuality within your experience.

All of you, EACH one of you, has many, many, many beliefs that you have acquired, taken from others, and assumed for your own. This is not a job of eternity, but it is the job of a path, a journey you must take, if what you truly wish is the freer sense of yourself and the creative use of your own power.

We are here to help you in this. We are guiding you. There are others within your environment, some that you perceive and some that you do not, who are guiding you through this process. Walking with you on this journey.

-GEN, Psychic Broadband by Ruth Elan

Personal Sessions are available. Visit our blog for more information.
Contact me at

Rendered material is available free of charge, but if you are inclined to support my work, donations can be made on PayPal.